Case Studies
- Get the best return on your nitrogen applications this spring
- Moving to a liquid nutrient regime delivers benefits for a Welsh mixed farmer
- How L-CBF TERRA FED has helped a Shropshire potato grower become more sustainable
- Nutrient Use Efficiency Study – Multi-Year Soil Health Study Measuring Differences In Nutrient Availability
- Jake Freestone, Gloucestershire
- Soil Farmer of the year 2018, Simon Cowell
- Western Potential Winner 2018, Mark Swift
- Tom Sewell, Kent
Western Potential Winner 2018, Mark Swift
- Farmer: Mark Swift
- Location: Shropshire
- Aim: Increase yields at low cost whilst reducing drift and scorch.

Mark Swift and his family farm more than 3,500 acres
near Newport, Shropshire. They milk 490 dairy cows,
have a 3,500 sheep enterprise and 800 acres of arable.
The arable rotation consists of growing winter wheat,
winter barley, maize and fodder beet.
L-CBF BOOST™ has been used on range of these crops and Mark has been very happy with
the results. ‘In the first year I just tried the odd 20 litre can in places to see if I could see a
difference, and I could. Then a got a bit more confidence and have used it on different areas
with some really encouraging results’. Mark’s biggest success came on the fodder beet, when
despite being a difficult year due to the weather, he had his highest ever yields. He also got
7% yield increase on his winter wheat.
Mark has L-CBF BOOST™ on his farm in 2 different ways. It is mixed
into his standard liquid fertiliser blend of 20 – 2 – 3 at source by
Landowner Fertilisers and he buys L-CBF BOOST™ in IBCs also. This
allows him not only to put it on with his fertiliser but also with fungicides
and herbicides too. Mark says ‘I like to apply it little and often applying
5 litres / hectare regularly through the growing season to apply 25-30
litres in total’. This approach of ‘wrapping’ inputs in carbon buffers
inputs and improves efficiency and effectiveness of applications.
In 2019 we are going to be using it on all crops including some of the grassland, where in the
US they have had some excellent results on yield and quality.
Mark has recently won the 2018 Yield Enhancement Network (Western) for Yield Potential in his first time of entering.