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Jake Freestone, Gloucestershire

  • Farmer: Jake Freestone
  • Location: Gloucestershire
  • Aim: Increase efficiency of inputs but not spend more money, improve long term soil fertility.

Jake is the farm manager of the Overbury Estate, he farms 3,000 acres on varying soil types on the edge of the Cotswolds. He has embraced biological farming and changed the whole farming system. He has a Cross Slot no-till drill, grows a wide range of crops including companion crops, large areas of cover crops and makes his own compost.

He was looking for a low-cost, consistent and reliable carbon source to buffer his inputs, and improve the efficiency of his liquid fertiliser applications

“We include the carbon-based liquid fertiliser, L-CBF BOOST™, with all synthetic applications to all crops, which has allowed us to cut back our use of artificial inputs by enough to keep it cost neutral, without compromising the efficacy of the input and reaping the added benefit of increasing soil health.”

Jake will be reducing inputs again next year (season dependent) and will be monitoring the growing crops using tissue analysis to make sure that despite these cutbacks, the plants are still receiving the nutrition they require to make sure yields do not drop.